WOD ARchive

February 24, 2023

OPEN 23.2A

15:00 AMRAP of:

5 burpee pull-ups

10 shuttle runs 25’ down and back

*add 5 burpee pull ups every round

Go directly into 23.2B

5:00 to establish 1 rep max THRUSTER

Previous WOD's

1000 Meter Row 50 Deadlifts 30 Handstand Push Ups 1000 Meter Row (RX-185/125) (M-150/100)

CLASS @ 9:10am For time: pick your order 1.5 Mile Treadmill Run 4 Mile Assault…

Complete 10 rounds of: 9 Thrusters 35 Double Unders (RX-95/65) (M-75/55)

MLCrossFit is Decatur Illinois’ Best CrossFit Facility

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