WOD ARchive

March 3, 2023

23.3 CF Games

Starting with a six minute time cap:

Complete as many reps as possible of:

5 Wall walks

50 double Unders

15 Snatches (95/65)

5 Wall walks

50 Double Unders

12 Snatches (95/135)

* if completed before the six minute time cap, add three minutes to the time cap and complete:

20 strict, and handstand push-ups

50 Double Unders

9 Snatches (185/125)

*, it’s completed before the 9 minute time cap, then add 3 minutes to the time cap and complete this :

20 strict handstand push ups

50 Double Unders

6 Snatches (225/155)

Previous WOD's

Derek will start class at 9:15am Saturday Pick a partner COMPLETE: BUY IN: 3 mile…

Complete for time: 100 Wall Balls (10/9’) 1500 Meter Row 100 Box Jumps (RX-20/18”) (M-20/18”)…

Complete 5 rounds of: 20 Box DB Step Ups 10 Box Jumps 10 DB Hang…

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