WOD ARchive

March 11, 2023

Pick your own partner

“Video Day” START 9:15am

Complete 8 rounds of:

200 Meter Treadmill Run

250 Meter Row

250 Meter Ski Erg

10/8 Calorie Bike

10 Clean and Jerks

10 Knees to Elbows

1 Rope Climbs

(RX-135/95) (M-115/75)

CLASS WILL START AT 9:15am due to using treadmills.

Previous WOD's

Wod #1: 9:00 250 Meter Ski Erg 5 Push Jerks (RX-135/95) (M-115/75) 3:00 REST Wod…

Complete this 20:00 AMRAP: 500 Meter Row 25 Wall Ball Sit Ups (14/10) 25 Box…

Complete this 24:00 EMOM: 0-1:00–8 touch/go power cleans 1-2:00–8 burpee pull ups 2-3:00–10/9 calorie bike…

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