WOD ARchive

September 9, 2023

Individual wod Saturday:

“Filthy Fifty”

50 box jumps

50 jumping pull ups

50 KB swings

50 walking lunges

50 Knees to elbow

50 push presses

50 Goodmornings 45/35

50 wall balls 20/14

50 Burpees

50 Double Unders


KB (RX/M-35/25)

Push Press (RX/M-45/35)

Previous WOD's

Every 2:00 x 32:00 0:00-8:00 12/10 Calorie Row 12 Box Jumps (RX-24/20”)(M-20/18) 8:00-16:00 12/9 Calorie…

For Time: 1000 Meter Row 800 Meter Run 500 Meter Row 400 Meter Run 250…

Partner up Saturday 20:00 AMRAP of: 30 Calorie Row 20 Over the rower Burpees 10…

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