WOD ARchive

November 4, 2023


Wod #1:

16:00 AMRAP:

6 Bar Muscle Ups

12 Squat Snatches

24 Toes to Bar

36 Overhead Squats

48 Pull Ups

60 Partner Wall balls (20/14)

(RX-115/75) (M- 95/65)

4:00 REST

Wod #2:

6:00 Bike for total calories

Previous WOD's

Complete 6 rounds of: 10 KB Swings 10 DB Hang Cleans 10 DB Walking Lunge…

Complete this 20:00 Amrap: 7 Knees to Elbows 7 Calorie Bike 7 Burpee Pull Ups…

Complete 4 rounds of: 8 Snatches 6 Bar Muscle Ups 4 Box Jumps 2 Burpees…

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