WOD ARchive

November 17, 2023

Partner Up

For time:

3-6-9-12-15-18-21-24-27-30 of

Ski Erg calories

Assault Bike Calories

Both athletes complete each round of the ladder on each machine. After each completes the prescribed number of calories for that round, athletes switch machines. Continue up the ladder, adding 3 cal every round until each athlete has completed 30 cal on both the ski erg and the assault bike.

Previous WOD's

Complete 6 rounds of: 10 KB Swings 10 DB Hang Cleans 10 DB Walking Lunge…

Complete this 20:00 Amrap: 7 Knees to Elbows 7 Calorie Bike 7 Burpee Pull Ups…

Complete 4 rounds of: 8 Snatches 6 Bar Muscle Ups 4 Box Jumps 2 Burpees…

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