WOD ARchive

January 6, 2024

Class start time: 9:15am


“Meet in the middle “

1 Mile treadmill run

Then complete 15 rounds of:

10 Wall Balls 10/9’(20/14)

10 DB Devil Presses

(RX-30/20) (M-25/15)

100/75 Calorie Bike

* one partner goes from the top to the bottom, and the other partner starts at the bottom and goes to the top.

Previous WOD's

Derek will start class at 9:15am Saturday Pick a partner COMPLETE: BUY IN: 3 mile…

Complete for time: 100 Wall Balls (10/9’) 1500 Meter Row 100 Box Jumps (RX-20/18”) (M-20/18”)…

Complete 5 rounds of: 20 Box DB Step Ups 10 Box Jumps 10 DB Hang…

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